What I Can Do For You


I Have knowledge in HTML, CSS, Javascript & Jquery, and CSS framework Bootstrap. Experience in Adobe CS6 and Creative Suite.


Willing to support in any role needed for the benefit of the my team. I am there to provide help when other are in neeed.

Team Player

I will collaborate with team members and work towards a common goal; while being respectful of others' opinions and ideas.


Proficient in writing and speaking English or Spanish.


I pay attention to the small details and ensure that my work is accurate and error-free.


Will ensure that I prioritize your tasks and focus on the most important ones first.

Joel Vazquez

Front End Developer

After working as a surgical assistant for several years, I made the decision to leave the medical field and pursue a career in the tech industry. It was a big change, but one that I was excited to embrace. As a surgical assistant, I had always been fascinated by the technology used in the operating room. I was constantly looking for ways to improve patient outcomes by incorporating new technologies into surgeries. However, I realized that my passion for technology went beyond just its application in medicine. I had always been interested in coding and web development, and I decided to pursue it seriously by enrolling in a local Front End Development program.

I was nervous about starting over in a new field, but I was also excited to learn new skills and pursue a career that aligned with my interests and passions. The transition was not easy. I had to leave behind a successful career, and to start from scratch in a new industry. However, I am determined to make the most of this opportunity.

During my time in my Front End Developer program, I discovered a love for web development. I enjoyed the creative problem-solving aspect of coding and the satisfaction of seeing a website come to life. It was a big change from the fast-paced and high-pressure environment of the operating room, but it was a change that I welcomed with open arms. It has been an exciting and fulfilling experience, and I am constantly learning new things and pushing myself to grow as a developer.

Contact Me

South Carolina, US

Phone: 1+ 803 361 0074
